Saturday, June 21, 2008

You call them that??

So, I was pondering (yes, I am capable) the term brats in my blog name, wondering if folks might think I'm a bit harsh, then I reconsidered. Frankly, anyone reading this will obviously know (and of course love) me for my sarcasm. This naturally includes my most beautiful, amazing, intelligent, adoring, perfect children. (she said mockingly, but truthfully this time) Because they love to look over my shoulder and read what I'm doing. Good thing it's clean. I'm reconsidering this whole teach them to speak and think for themselves thing, though.

This gets me thinking about why I've started this whole blog thing. (Haven't you heard, it is THE in thing to do these days. hehe) Since my beloved friends and family live so far away I should maybe give you all a little update on what makes them tick and their little cutie patutie doings these days. So, here goes.....

Blythe (9 yrs.)- My beautiful ballerina (more to come on Blythe, Oli, and Sophie's upcoming concert later) She is a good example, sister, student, dancer. She's maternal, giving and when I'm asked how I DO 5 kids, I answer "Blythe" (no offense to Jay, the most selfless, loving, best father/husband ever. Did that cover it?) My bro, Bobby, jokes that she ought to dumb it up a bit so that guys won't be so intimidated. haha.

Oliver (7 yrs.)- Where do I begin?? There are many layers to Oli, but underneath it all, he genuinely wants to be kind and loving to everyone. Oliver can turn a bad situation good in 10 seconds flat (or sometimes the opposite). He is also an excellent student which is no small feat with some ADHD struggles. He loves karate and is the only orange belt in an advanced class.

Sophia (4 yrs.)- The drama queen. We call her Sophie in Charge. She has more attitude than the other 4 put together(no easy task). Tiny and sweet despite the 'tude. So much so that she has all dance/pre-school/sunday school teachers convinced she's sweet as pie. She constantly makes us laugh with her big girl comments from a lil girl. She starts kindergarten in the fall.

Hayden (2 yrs.)- Was once my sweet baby boy until he turned 2. Despite the fact that he's a hitting, screaming, fit throwing, typical 2 year old, he's an extremely loving big bro to Izzy. He's a bit gender confused at times with Dad working in OR and being at home all day with 2 sisters and a Mom that loves high heels and handbags. But he adores Oliver, trucks, and throwing balls, as well as (most recently) pointing out others misbehaviors. ie. "Oyi (Oli) BAD or Soapy (Sophie) BAD!!!

Isabel (9 months)- For starters, she's in that perfect phase where she takes good naps and kinda sleeps through the night, she can move around and somewhat entertain herself while attempting to keep up with the big kids. But, most important, she's not a terrible 2 yet. This week she finally started sitting up on her own, which we knew she could do, but chose not to. She crawls a little, but mostly drags herself around like Ursula the Sea Witch from The Little Mermaid. And she has the SWEETEST personality. She really is always happy. Oh, and not only does she slither like Ursula, but she's a big fatty like the Sea Witch!!


Melissa said...

I love that you blog! I love reading updates on your kids... I can't believe how you have a 9 year old! Wait! I have one too! How can that be? We are only 25? Our kids would have a great time together... but I think there might be a bit of mischeif. My 2 year old is fiesty and sweet all rolled into one.

Oh, and brats? doesn't bother me a bit. :)

BTW, do you mind if I link you on my blog? I am going to update it eventually...

Super Rockstar Momma said...

SO great to see your BEAUTIFUL family and hear about them! I particularly loved to Ursula reference--I giggled and giggled! Thanks for commenting on my blog and I will add yours as a link on mine as soon as Tim shows me how :)