Saturday, January 17, 2009


I know, I know, I know. (Janine and Melissa) I haven't updated this in FOREVER, but we've been swamped with stuff. All 6 weeks of track break, we were traveling. That's my first excuse.

Anyway, we're getting ready to move up to Oregon in the next couple of weeks, but before we go I'll be sure to post a few pix, etc.

Jay has been working and has started a contracting business in Portland and on the coast. So, for now, we'll be moving out to the coast, and once we find a house we'll be moving into Portland.

That's pretty much everything in a short version. Oh, and unfortunately, this was the best picture of the bunch. Gggrrrrrr...

Hope all our friends and family are well in the new year and had a great holiday season!!!


Melissa said...

Wow! Adventure! We loved living in Oregon. That will be terrific for you guys.

Our Christmas pictures looked very similar to yours. Getting 5 to hold still and smile is a joke.

Keep us posted, I'm glad you are alive. Good luck!!!!!!!!

Tina said...

I guess I will be waiting until you unpack to get our copy of the pics..

I can't beleive how much Oliver looks like Jay when he was younger..