Friday, May 8, 2009

Some pix of the new digs!!

This house is a reverse floorplan(master,kitchen,dining,great room upstairs..and laundry,kid's rooms,etc. downstairs), which I haven't ever liked before and was surprised to like this one!! The builders did a beautiful job with some nice woodwork, upgrades, etc. and it has a nice view of the bay in a nice quiet town. (at least until the Adams family moves in)

Great room

View from great room into the dining room (wierd lighting, they're not actually mint green walls)

In theory, I'll spend a quiet peaceful hour in this tub surrounded by candlelight and no sounds of fighting children..In actuality, it will be filled with cars, boats, planes and various tub toys. (I did TRY to lay down the law by telling them they weren't allowed in my bathtub. They have their own downstairs)

The deck off the master bdrm. I have visions of having a chiminea(sp?) and a couple lounge chairs out here...of course, I probably can't enjoy this peaceful spot until around 10 at night.


Melissa said...

Lovely! It looks so clean and fresh. One problem: What is that vehicle in the drive? Must be the realtors right? You wouldn't be a van driving momma would you??? ;)

When are you moving in? (

Jay and Stephanie Adams said...

I would NEVER drive a minivan!!! I prefer to call it "my kids' car" Thank you very much. LOL.
And it looks so fresh and clean because no one has lived in it yet. Surely that will also change. Move in date is June 1. The builders are SOOO darn nice!! And they/we will be doing some clean up to the yard. It's been sitting vacant for 1.5 yrs.

Ashley Gaskell said...

ooooh!!! i likey!! man, mike would move there in a heartbeat! i really like it and i guess all those trees in background are alright too :)

Lyn Hunter said...

Congratulations on finally getting the house. Hopefully you can step back from Clair and Jamie enough to get the move done on time. I just found your blog and I love it. You crack me up.

KolbyJanine said...

looks really nice, you are so brave to leave Oliver and Sophia closer to the front door than yourself. looks so peaceful! congrats on the find! did you guys go ahead with it you gonna get it?

Jay and Stephanie Adams said...

Haha! I always have to stay one step ahead of Oliver. That's what alarms are for. LOL. I also considered putting a key only lock on the back door thru the downstairs office, but then I got sorta freaked about fires.

Jay and Stephanie Adams said...

Oh, and to answer the question...yes, we signed the paperwork the other night. We're doing a 1 yr lease option to be sure we can stand being this close to Jackie. =) These builders are just the nicest guys and willing to do whatever we want done to the place as well as cutting us a deal on the house and the lot next door.