Thursday, August 20, 2009

You're breakin' my heart

Hayden's new saying is "you breakin' my heart"
Perhaps it's from HSM3 being played on DVR a few too many times during 2 days of rain.
The conversation usually goes something like this:

Hayden- Mom! Oyi(Oli) breakin' my heart.
Me- Why?
H- A Tuz (he means because)
Me- Because why?
His response is usually followed by any number of reasons like Oliver (or anyone else) not doing something he wants.

Last night I tried using "breakin' my heart" on him when he wouldn't go pee before bed.
Hayden- NOOO!!!!
Me- Hayden, you breakin' my heart!
Hayden- No, I not!!
Me- Why not?
Hayden- Tuz (meaning cause) You no have one!!

Obviously Jay found this quite a bit funnier than I did.

1 comment:

Kaerlig said...

ha ha!! that was a good one. kids say the dardest things