Monday, November 30, 2009


In a nutshell...I fell behind, then I had no internet connection at home (except for my beloved iphone), then we had service again (the tower by our house was being serviced), then we had family in town, THEN came Thanksgiving.

Jay's sister, Tina, and her kids were with us last week for the holiday. I couldn't have pulled Thanksgiving dinner for 14 people off without Tina. We also had my mom and friends of ours from Portland over for dinner and fun over the weekend. We all had a great time. So much so that I have only a few pictures to show for it. Really pathetic! I'll post some later, once someone else who is a better photographer/parent sends us some.

1 comment:

KolbyJanine said...

well 1. it is about damn time 2 thanks for the picture update 3 way to go into here's to you, thanks for NOTHIN. just kiddin im such a brat. Maybe when I graduate high school I will be nicer.