Sunday, July 27, 2008

Concert is coming

I mentioned earlier the 3 big kids had their big concert coming up, and I will very soon have some photos of them in rehearsal and in their costumes. Oliver and Blythe got their's last week and Oli's needs MAJOR alterations and Blythe's needs a few adjustments. Sophia gets hers tomorrow and can hardly wait.

To give you an idea (I don't spend NEARLY the amount of time that parents with kids in multiple performances do, but still, for me, alone, it's ALOT) I spend between 1.5-3 hrs. 5 nights a week at the studio. The performances benefit the Make a Wish Foundation, and are put on at a theatre here in Vegas. Anyway, Sophie is in one Sunday afternoon. Blythe and Oliver are in two Sat. and Sun. (Aug. 9 &10)

Next week starts even more rehearsals and starts to get crazy. But.....the following week is insane!!!! I would be ranting to tell you the amount of hours I will spend at Cashman Theatre.

That being said, my point is that even though this is the time I'm ready to jump off of a bridge, this is the time that my kids, and the others at the practices, get sooooo excited!!!! They are so excited to get on stage, to receive their costumes, to have an audience watch them. This is the time that makes it worth it for the parents. (who, by the way, all look annoyed, hot, exhausted, and wonder what the heck they are doing in 110 degree weather in Vegas running around like crazy people.) Whatever, I guess it's these kids faces and excitement that keep us all going. So, I'll post some photos next week.


Tina said...

WOW.. We know they will do great @ their concerts, as they are of Adams' blood..=) Wish were there in Vegas to come watch them.. We send our love to you all...

Tina said...

Just wanted to wish the three big kids.. GOOD LUCK (break a leg) on the concert Sunday.. I know you will do great, you have worked so hard..
We send you all our LOVE..
Cousin Kirstin, Aunt Tina & Uncle Bob